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Thanks a million

Frank and Helen Frank and Helen

Dear Agency!!! Thanks a million for advertence and kindness: Your support helped us so much: Yesterday we got married and we're very happy!!! We wish your agency further prosperity and success in such a necessary and important affair as joining together human fates and making people happy!!! Best regards...

Frank and Helen


He made a proposal and i told him YES!

Maria and Braen Maria and Braen Maria and Braen

Hello Agency! I am in a hurry to tell you thank you very much for our meeting with Braen. He made a proposal and i told him YES! I send you photos of our marriage ceremony. You do very necessary work. You help people to feel happy. I will recommend your agency to my friends with a great pleasure!

Maria and Braen


Today is a wonderful day for us

Rocky and Nina Rocky and Nina

Today is a wonderful day for us. We got acquainted via your agency, and today we got married. We'd like to thank you: just have a look at our photo and you'll understand everything yourself. We are sending you our weeding picture, we are very happy... We need each other very much....

Rocky and Nina


We met here and now we're together!

John&Mary John&Mary John&Mary

Thank you for the best present for us - you gave us love!!! We met here, he was in my perfect match and I send him a kiss... This is how all started!!!



Thank you for Clubs!

Tom&Joli Tom&Joli Tom&Joli

We saw each other at a club at your site. We both love cooking and that made us closer. Now we cook together!



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