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Вопросы по темам: Contact people

How do I contact people on a site?

Who can contact me?

What happens when I add a member to a Black list? Can I undo the action?

How can I see who I have contacted?

How can I see who has contacted me?

How do I contact people on a site?
You can search for people, browse blogs and events, join clubs, check your profile stats on who has viewed your profile and tried to contact you. You can also check Online users, use Advanced search to find people of your interests and type, see who's having birthday and congratulate them! Just be active!

Anyways, every listing of site members allows you multiple ways to contact people you like: Email, IM, Send a kiss, View profile, Rate, Call, Send a gift, offer to be a couple, add to your Hot list, join Blog friends and Club you like.

Note: you should be at least registered to be able to contact people at a site.

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