Why should I send a kiss? What does it mean?
By sending a kiss you show that you're interested in a person and that you wouldn't mind to talk some day. So it's an additional way to say Hi or to show affection.
How do I send a kiss to a person I like?
You can find him or her in search results and press Send a kiss link. In a new window choose a kiss that is most matching the occasion and press Send.
How do I check people who sent me a kiss?
At your homepage there's a Statistics section where you can see users who sent you a kiss. Just click the link for the option: users who sent me a kiss to see users list with kisses they sent.
Can I see those I sent a kiss to?
Yes. You can see it in your homepage stats section where there's a link for "users I sent a kiss". Click it to see a list of users with kisses you sent to them.
How many times can I send a kiss?
All members can send Flirts for free. There's no limitation for sending a kiss. Only if you're in someone's Black list your kisses won't be delivered.